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Public Service Announcements

KGPS provides free publicity for non-profit organizations holding events or providing information of value to the community. Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are provided for concerts, church activities, and community events, along with benefits and fundraisers. For profit organizations do not qualify for coverage under our Public Affairs policy. Events we promote occur within our listening area.

We make an exception for events that involve a fee if the fee is used to cover the cost of materials, workbooks, handouts, or to provide meals or accommodations. Conferences, seminars, or concerts that charge a fee for any other purpose do not qualify for a PSA. Information for PSAs must reach KGPS at least two (2) weeks in advance.

We're sorry, but we can't make commitments about timing and frequency of on-air. These are done as time permits. Not all announcements will be heard on the air because of time constraints. KGPS-LPFM reserves the right to refuse any PSA for any reason.

We will put your announcement on our website as soon as we receive it. The easiest way to confirm whether or not we received and accepted your announcement is to check back right here on our Local Events Page.


Pre-recorded PSAs
We will gladly accept your pre-recorded PSA on CD or Thumbdrive. It will be reviewed for possible airplay on KGPS. We are sorry, but CDs cannot be returned, whether or not they are used for airplay. Please mail to the address shown below.

In order to prevent miscommunication of the facts, we ask that you not call us with your request, but provide the information to us in writing or email only.

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